Don't Miss out on the Joys of Personal Praise

Personal praise is what brings us into relationship with Jesus—a clear, profound relationship with our Saviour. It enables us to hear His voice more clearly. When we spend time with Him in the night, He can bring us into the light. We must learn to praise Jesus as Lord of our lives. As Psalm 134 says, “Behold, bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord” (Psalm 134:1). We must personally praise Him in an intimate walk with Him, not just in front of others. We must learn to worship Him for who He is and all that He has done for us personally, alongside evangelizing to others. Never neglect your personal relationship with Jesus when trying to share the message with others. We might have others on our mind, but the Lord commands that we love Him first, with all our heart, mind, body, and soul (Matthew 22:37). This is what will keep selfish ambition at bay.

Every morning, make it a routine to thank Him for all that He has done and all that He means to us. It is with good intention that we spread the good news with thanksgiving and praise, but personal praise must come first if we are to have an unshakable personal relationship with our Savior.

What are some of the ways we can personally praise the Lord? We can speak to Him in words through prayer, thanking Him for all He has done for us in our lives. Thanking Him for all His wonderful and amazing promises we learn about in His Word. We can sit in His presence and surrender ourselves to Him as a way of praise, also by giving ourselves to Him wholeheartedly, saying, "Father, Your will be done, not mine." Also, accepting no glory for ourselves, thanking Him for any praise we ourselves may have received through our evangelical practices. Thanking Him for the opportunities we have had to speak to people and see Him working in the hearts of others. We also praise by committing ourselves to the Word, through learning and obedience to all His commands.

Remind yourself daily that God made the heavens and the earth, and without Him, nothing would be in existence, including ourselves.

Praise Him by listening—take time out of your day to soak in His presence and be with the Lord. Ask Him to speak to your heart and follow any guidance He may have for you.

Father, thank You for all that You are and all that You’ve done. We praise You for Your love, grace, and mercy, and for drawing us into a deeper relationship with You. Help us to cultivate an attitude of praise, not just in public, but in the quiet moments of our lives. Teach us to love You with all our heart, mind, body, and soul. Thank You for the opportunities to share Your Word and to witness Your work in the hearts of others. May we always keep our relationship with You at the forefront of our lives. In Jesus' name, Amen.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” (Mark 12:30)

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