About Me
Hi, I’m Laura. I’m married to my amazing husband, Tom, and together we have six wonderful children. We live in Portugal, though it’s not where I imagined life would take us.
My story isn’t an easy one to share, but it’s part of who I am and how God saved me. I grew up in an environment filled with alcoholism, grooming, and abuse. It was chaotic, and I felt lost from a young age. I turned to alcohol early, trying to escape the pain. By the time I was a teenager, I was heavily drinking and running with an older crowd involved in drugs. Home didn’t feel safe, so I stayed out as much as possible, bouncing from place to place. Eventually, I left for good at around 16 or 17, hoping to start fresh, but I carried all that pain with me.
I ended up moving to France, working on campsites, but my drinking followed me wherever I went. I’d lose jobs because of it, and the cycle would start over—get a live-in job, mess it up, move on. I drifted all over France, then to Spain, then back to France again before eventually returning to England. Nothing changed. I was trying to outrun the trauma, searching for love and stability but never finding it.
Then, I met Tom, and everything changed. We fell in love and quickly started a family. Becoming a mother was incredible—it gave me a kind of love I’d never experienced before. My first child brought so much joy, and just a year later, my son arrived, making me a young mum with two beautiful, bouncy babies. But even though I loved them with all my heart, life didn’t get easier. We kept moving—one place after another—never really settling down or feeling at home.
When my third son was born, I was diagnosed with postnatal depression. I was prescribed all kinds of medications—antidepressants, anti-anxiety pills—but nothing seemed to work. I thought if I wasn’t happy, the medication wasn’t working, so I kept trying more. I also struggled with body dysmorphia, spending hours in front of the mirror, desperate to look perfect, yet never feeling good enough. It was a dark time, and I felt trapped in my own mind.
Despite everything, I wanted another child, and when I became pregnant with my daughter, I had to quit all the medications cold turkey. The withdrawal was brutal—I even had a seizure—but I was determined to protect my baby. After her birth, I was happy for a while, but as she grew older and went to nursery, I found myself alone with my thoughts again. My mind raced constantly, and I couldn’t find peace.
I tried CBD oil, hoping it would help, but it became a gateway to smoking weed. That decision opened a door to something I couldn’t understand at the time. I started having spiritual experiences, including predicting the future, and it seemed like I was finding answers. I was searching for meaning in life, and this path felt like it was giving me clarity. But it led me deeper into darkness.
I got involved in new-age practices—tarot cards, spiritualism, anything that promised answers. I thought I was discovering hidden truths, but in reality, I was inviting something dark into my life. My mental state spiraled into what I now know was spiritual psychosis. I started hearing voices and seeing things that weren’t there. I believed I was connected to some higher enlightenment, but I was completely lost.
One day, the voices I thought were guiding me turned evil. They filled me with terror, and I ran out of my house, desperate for help. I ended up at a police station in Spain, where no one could understand me because I spoke English and they spoke Spanish. I was locked in with these horrifying thoughts, believing I was in hell and would be tortured for eternity.
Looking back, I believe this was the moment Jesus fought for my soul. The enemy didn’t let go without a fight, and I experienced a taste of hell before Jesus saved me. The police called an ambulance, and at the hospital, I was given medication that brought some relief. When I returned home, the voices were still there but quieter. But I was still terrified of my own mind.
That’s when everything changed. I threw away everything connected to the occult—books, tarot cards, everything—and found myself left with nothing to read except a Bible someone had given me. As I started reading, the Holy Spirit moved in me. Jesus began to set me free, piece by piece. The voices faded, and the enemy lost his hold over me.
After that, we moved to the farm in Alentejo. It was a time of deep healing and restoration. I spent four years in near isolation, raising my children and studying the Bible. God used that time to re-teach me everything, replacing the lies I’d believed with His truth. He healed the pain of my childhood, the trauma of the occult, and the brokenness I carried for so long.
Now, I live in Lagoa with my family, building our lives on the foundation of Jesus. I owe Him everything—my life, my healing, my freedom. I’m not perfect, but I’m made new, and I’m passionate about sharing the Good News with others. Jesus saved me, and I’ve dedicated my life to serving Him and spreading His love.
If you’re reading this and feel lost or broken, I want you to know there’s hope. Jesus can save and restore anyone. My story is proof of His power, His love, and His mercy. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords, and I’ll spend the rest of my life glorifying Him.