Following the Lord and all His ways is the beginning of wisdom. If we are to be wise and live as disciples, we need to first fear the Lord and shun evil (Proverbs 9:10). Do not lean on your own understanding of things; always trust in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6). In His commands, His statutes, and His ways, Jesus and His Word are never wrong—though the world may want you to think differently. They may label you as ignorant for not accepting other people’s lifestyles, but we must stand firm in the truth.
Even within the church, some liberals are trying to bend God’s truth by creating a new doctrine that accepts gay marriage. However, we have been warned that in the last days, we would see the rise of false teachers and prophets (2 Peter 2:1). Now is the time to assert wisdom—God’s wisdom, not the wisdom the world offers. God’s Word is the never-ending, unshakable truth. We must hold firm to the teachings of God and not allow our understanding to be swayed by cultural trends or human logic.
We have been warned that wolves in sheep's clothing will come to deceive us and lead us astray (Matthew 7:15). We must be cautious about who we listen to and let rule our lives. False teachers can be difficult to discern because they speak smoothly and attract followers with charm (Proverbs 26:25). These false teachers are skilled at what they do, but we must grow in our own discernment by studying the Bible for ourselves. We cannot afford to rely on others’ interpretations of Scripture. We must ask the Holy Spirit to guide us as we seek to understand God’s Word.
When the apostles were around, there were no study guides or YouTube sermon series. Yet, they were some of the greatest men who ever lived because they followed Jesus closely and learned directly from Him. We often think we are blessed with so many resources today, but the truth is that anyone can start a channel and develop a following without the true authority to teach God’s Word. We don't know if these people have the anointing to teach, or if they are just good at media and presentation. Following others can make us spiritually lazy and weak, as Christians.
Paul calls us to grow up and mature in our faith (Hebrews 5:12-14). We must transition from being fed with milk to solid food, taking responsibility for our own spiritual growth.
The enemy wants us to stay in a place of spiritual immaturity—constantly relying on others to feed us. But nothing can substitute for our daily bread, the Word of God. When we pray the Lord’s Prayer, “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11), it’s not just about physical food, but also the spiritual nourishment we need. What are we feeding our spirit? Are we filling ourselves with quick, shallow teachings from others—fast food for the soul—or are we taking the time to digest the rich, fulfilling Word of God? We need to wait for the Holy Spirit to reveal the meaning of Scripture to us personally. This will strengthen our spiritual muscles and keep us fit to fight our spiritual battles.
When Paul tells us to put on the whole armor of God, he says we must wear the belt of truth and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (Ephesians 6:13-17). God’s Word is our weapon to stand firm to the end, and it’s only through personal study that we can fully equip ourselves. We must make time to read and understand Scripture for ourselves so we can grow strong in our faith and stand firm in the truth.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word, which is a light to our path. Help us to grow in wisdom and understanding by seeking You in the Scriptures daily. Teach us to rely on Your Holy Spirit to guide us as we read and reflect on Your Word. Guard our hearts from false teachings, and help us to stand firm in the truth of Your Word. Strengthen us to grow spiritually and mature in our faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” — Psalm 119:105
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