Even when we make mistakes, even when we turn our backs on God for whatever reason, His promises will stand. We are mere humans, and not only are we unable to be perfect and sinless without our Lord Jesus Christ, we are also unable to keep our covenant with Him 100 percent of the time. We have fears and doubts, sometimes so crippling it hurts. However, it doesn’t matter because even when we let go, He holds on to every promise He has made. There is no way to make those promises null and void through our actions or through our doubts and accusations, even when they are aimed at God. They are certainly not right on our part and must be fully repented of, but we are mere humans. Sometimes, within our limited capacity to understand, we get frustrated. When we don’t understand His plan or why we may be suffering, especially when it seems so easy for God to stop it, we can become angry, confused, and even frustrated with God. This can come in the form of unbelief, fear, and doubt. In such times, the enemy will try to strike, and he will fuel our thoughts as well.
Sometimes, we can be under severe spiritual attack for an extended period, and the enemy can overcome us. God has reasons for allowing this to happen, and what it means to one person could be different from what it means to another. Look at Job! Look at our Savior, Lord Jesus Christ, when He was led into the wilderness to be tested and tempted, all while He was weakened in His physical body through fasting. We, too, are tested, and if we fail, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t make us failures; it serves to show us that we are not as strong or self-sufficient as we might like to think. It teaches us to lean on God, to lean on His strength. If we are tested and attacked, we must try and focus on God the best we are able. Sometimes, we need to stop thinking because that is where the enemy’s number one entry point is. This is the time to stand on the word of God and not on our own thoughts, especially if they go against Scripture.
We can harden ourselves to the external challenges of life, but the battle within the mind is hard to master. The mind is where the enemy can wreak the most damage for most of us. He can spread lies about God, about others, open old wounds, and cause division by whispering lies and distorting the truth, reminding us of our past. He knows our weaknesses and will attack those areas.
If you're in a situation like that right now, try to listen to worship music, even if you don’t feel like it. Drown out the voice of the enemy and fill your mind with the truth that you are unable to fight on your own. Ask the Lord to help you, even if the enemy is making you feel angry at God or trying to separate you from Him. Because we need to remember that the enemy's main goal is to separate us from God. He knows the power of someone who walks with Jesus and what they can achieve.
Lord, we come to You today acknowledging our human weaknesses, doubts, and fears. We thank You for Your unshakable promises, which stand even when we falter. Help us to lean on Your strength, Lord, especially in times of trial and temptation. When the enemy tries to strike at our minds, help us to turn to You and stand firm on Your Word. Teach us to trust You more deeply and to seek Your presence, even when we don’t understand the challenges we face. Fill us with peace and faith that You are with us, no matter what. May Your love hold us steady through every storm. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Isaiah 12:2-6:
“Surely God is my salvation;I will trust and not be afraid.The Lord, the Lord himself, is my strength and my defense;he has become my salvation.”
With joy you will draw waterfrom the wells of salvation.In that day you will say:“Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name;make known among the nations what he has done,and proclaim that his name is exalted.Sing to the Lord, for he has done glorious things;let this be known to all the world.Shout aloud and sing for joy,people of Zion,for great is the Holy One of Israel among you.”*
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