Because of what Jesus did on the cross, dying for our sins and imputing His righteousness onto us, reconciling us with God, we are now able to approach the throne of grace with prayer and supplication. We can go to God anytime, 24 hours a day. This is an amazing gift we have, and it shows the heart of our loving Father. His door is always open to us, and as parents, we must do the same. Are our doors always open for our children? Are we listening to the world around us, or are we swallowed up in our own thoughts and ideas? If we close our ears, whether intentionally or by accident, not realizing how we are living, we can miss a lot. We miss when they are talking, we miss when they are being led astray, and we miss when they need our love. We miss a lot, and as parents, we need to be vigilant when it comes to our children. When they are growing up, when they are little, they demand our attention, but as they grow older, the less and less they seek our approval. They find their own mentors and influences from the world. Who is influencing your children? If we don’t regulate what they are doing with utmost care and precision, a lot can fly under the radar.